How can I add a member to my team?

Note: This function is only available to members with manager access.

To add a member to your team select [Team Members] from the main menu and click [Add Member].

Complete the member’s contact info and the rest of the fields in the form.

Pay special attention to the following required fields:

  • Member type
    For information on member types, click here.

Track availability

  • When this field is set to “No,” members won’t appear in the attendance page and they won’t be able to set their availability for team events (default is “Yes”).
  • Member has manager access

By default, new members have no manager access.
Finally, click the [Save] button to add the member to the team.

Member will receive the invitation by email with unique link to login into TeamTracky and join the team.

Until the new member accepts your invitation, he will have a status of “Not Registered.”  Once he logs in   for the first time, his status will change to “Active” (for more information on member statuses click here).