What is a member’s status?

Members are added to a team by invitation from a team owner or a member with manager access.

Once invitation is sent via email the member has a Not Registered status.
Members with this status can’t login to TeamTracky unless they click on the personalized link in the invitation email.

Once member accepts the invitation and login into TeamTracky for the first time, his status changes to “Active”. Member is now an active member of the team and use all its features.

Members can also be deactivated by a team owner or members with manager access. Members with a “Deactivated” status don’t appear in the team’s attendance page and don’t receive notifications or team updates. If a person is not a current member of the team but may come back, deactivating is the alternative of deleting it.

Team owner or members with manager access can reactivate a member at any time by updating their profile.